Monday, August 15, 2011

Teen Mom

I know I obviously do not look my age (27), but I prefer to think I could at least pass for being in my 20's.  I'm apparently very wrong.  Many times people have asked how old I am, and they are shocked when I tell them the truth.  Most people think I'm around 16-17.  Since, I'm married and not working, I don't really have a need to look my age.  Normally I don't mind people mistaking me for a teen.  
However, now that I have a baby, things have gotten a lot more interesting.  I've been getting a lot of weird looks when I'm out with Hadley.  A typical encounter looks like this:

1. Lady looks at me
2. Lady looks at my adorable little princess
3. Lady looks back at me with a puzzled or disapproving look
4. I smile and continue on my way

I've been trying to convince myself that I was reading into things, and no one was judging me...that was until tonight.  Nathan and I went to Orange Leaf to enjoy a beautiful evening with some delicious Frozen Yogurt.  The lady in front of us kept looking at me and at Hadley (which included her completely twisting her neck to look behind her.)  I decided she must just be thinking my baby was GORGEOUS!  I was wrong.  She continued to look at us for about 5 minutes before she lightheartedly asked...

"Is that your baby?"  
To which I replied, "Yes." 
 Her tone turned more to concern as she asked "How old are you?"  
To which I replied, "27."  
She then exclaimed, "Oh wow!  I kept thinking to myself, that 14 year old had a baby!"

First of all, 14?!  Really?  Do I really look 14?  That's a 13 year difference.  Second of all, what if I had been 14 years old?  What was her plan after finding out I really was 14?  Scold me?  Third of all, Who did she think Nathan was?  A creeper who knocked up a 14 year old and married her? Who knows. What I do know is that I no longer have to wonder if people are looking at me weird because they are worried that I'm a teen mom.  They are.  
I am not going to worry.  I'm just going to be grateful that I don't look 13 years OLDER!  I will continue to smile at my onlookers.  And hey, I've been using Anti-Aging Mary Kay facial care since I was 18.  Maybe I'll make myself business cards and help jump start my business by telling others they can look 13 years younger as well!!  Maybe, looking young isn't so bad after all!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


         Yes Really! The Presley family is pressing on to new life adventures.  We are excited to announce that we are moving back to OKLAHOMA!!! We have really enjoyed our time here in Texas, and I've actually liked it more than I had planned.  We've had the privilege to do ministry with a lot of great people in some great places.  Our leaving is definitely bitter sweet, but God is leading us to Newcastle, OK!   Nathan will be serving as the Student Pastor at First Baptist Church, Newcastle.  We are really looking forward to getting to know the students there and serving with all the wonderful members.

  Another big plus is that we will be living very close to family.  Nathan's parents are about 20 minutes away and my parents are about 35 minutes away!  Hadley doesn't really know it yet but she is going to love living so close to her grandparents.  I see some spoiling in her future!

Another big plus to Oklahoma is being close to all of our favorite sports teams!  I've already gotten Hadley hyped up for Sooner football!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Yorks

The Yorks are the coolest people we know!
The Yorks are so awesome!
The Yorks are pretty much amazing!
The Yorks are FANTASTIC!
Joshua... Lauren... & Lincoln you are what we all hope to be someday!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Things You Do

I've always considered myself a pretty even keeled person.  I like to talk and I like social situations, but I always would try to look like I had complete control at all times.  I was calm cool and always collected.  That is, until I became a mom. 
This cute little girl has me doing things I wouldn't normally do.
For instance...  Hadley went about a month trying her hardest to get her hands into her mouth.  The only problem was, she couldn't figure out how to get them out of a tight fist!  She would try and try to fit her whole fist in her mouth.  These efforts would just lead to frustration and screaming.  And this wasn't just an occasional thing.  She did it a lot!  I felt so sorry for her (and for me sometimes) and was longing for the day when the poor thing would realize that her hands fit better when they were open! So, one day when I was out in public shopping at a shoe store, I looked down to see this:
To which I exclaimed (quite loudly), "She put her fingers in her mouth!!"  You see, normally I would never yell like that in public, but she makes me do silly things!

For more proof on how Hadley brings out the silly in me... watch (and listen) as Hadley laughs for the first time!

Before Hadley, I would have never posted a video of me making ridiculous noises (Lets be honest, I would have never made them in the first place) ...but now, if it gets Hadley to laugh I'll make any silly noise that works, and I will do it in front of anyone!
I am sure this isn't the last of the crazy things I will find myself doing as Hadley grows! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 Things I Love About You

Today is a very important day!  It's the day that my wonderful husband Nathan was born.  (Well not today know what I mean.)  Before I started dating Nathan, I was not one of those romantic girls that were always hoping to meet Mr. right, loved romantic movies, or thought it was sooo sweet when guys would do romantic things.  I was just not like that.  I'm sure part of it was pride.  I thought I was independent and didn't need anything like that.  All that changed when Nathan came along.  I am definitely madly in love with that man.  

Let me list a few reasons to let you know why.

1.  I love that no matter how sad, or stressed, or mad I am, you can make me laugh

2.  I love how you whisper in Hadley's ear that you love her and that she gets very still.

3.  I love how I can completely not worry about our future because I know I can trust you to follow wherever God leads.

4.  I love how you make everything we do fun...even if it is just running errands.

5.  I love how you cook and clean and take care of Hadley when I'm feeling sick

6,  I love how you randomly offer to massage my feet :)

7.  I love to watch you teach the Bible to Students.  I always go away having learned something.

8.  I love to watch you minister and develop relationships with students.  You've definitely set an example to me of what that should look like.

9.  I love how you are always willing to apologize and ask for forgiveness when you hurt my feelings (even when I'm not as willing to do the same for you) 

10. I love how you are such a great dad to Hadley.  I love how protective you are of her, I love to watch you play with her and talk to her!  She's one blessed little girl.


For all these reasons and more....I am so glad you were born!  I can't imagine my life without you!  Happy Birthday!  Love you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You're doin' fine, Oklahoma

Hadley and I recently set out on our first Mommy/Daughter adventure.  We were blessed enough to spend an entire week with family and friends in OKLAHOMA!  As much as I thought I would LOVE to be out of Oklahoma when I was a teenager, it's amazing how much I really miss that place.  I'm sure it helps that it is filled with people that I love.  
Oklahoma City is only about 7 hours away, but I decided traveling that long with an infant would not be ideal.  We decided flying was a better option.  I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about flying with Hadley but she was a champ! (Except for when she had a blow out and we had to do an emergency wardrobe change right when it was time to board) She didn't cry or fuss once.  This was pretty much Hadley the whole time.

I'm hoping future flights are just as pleasant.

As soon as we got off the plane, we were greeted by my parents and we headed to the town where I grew up, Carnegie, to see my Grandma. 

The next day we traveled to Tulsa so Hadley could meet Granny Lou & Grandad!

It's fun to think that even though my grandparents are 50ish years older than I am, they were once right in this same place.  Trying to figure out how to be a parent.   I kept thinking of them going through some of the same triumphs and challenges I am experiencing.  It really has been a great new way to relate to them. 

Our time in Oklahoma was fantastic.   We had lots of quality time with family and friends.  I'll spare you all the details and let you experience it through pictures!

Hadley loves Abby!
Big G Lovin

A few of the members of Hadley's fan club

Bonding time with cousin Emery

She loves her Aunt Lo

Saying goodbye at the airport.  Love you Grammy and Pops!
 Leaving was bittersweet.  I love and miss my family in Oklahoma, but I think Hadley and I were both excited to get home to Houston.  We both missed an amazing man I like to call my husband and Hadley calls Dad(well not really since she can't talk yet).  We were so excited, we went straight from the airport to church so we could see him!  I love this man!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sea World Adventures

On Sunday and Monday the Presley Family headed to San Antonio.  And when I say Presley family, I dont just mean Nathan, Hadley, and I.  We were there with the whole Presley clan. Big G and Kiki were there!

Along with lots of Aunts and Uncles and Cousins!

We got to go to the new water park.  It was a little cold for me to get in the water but that of course didn't stop the little kids!
My favorite part was the shows.  I didn't think I would enjoy seeing animals do tricks, but it was amazing!  I'm pretty sure I could watch Shamu over and over again.

We had a wonderful time getting to visit and spend time with everyone.  They are such a joy to be around!  We definitely miss getting to see them on a regular basis.  
I would like to say that Hadley had a wonderful time, but lets face it, she's just two months old.  Her favorite thing to do is sleep.  This is her "watching" the Sea Otter Show.  You can tell she's really soaking it all in.

We even made time to document our first family vacation with a picture with Shamu! Too bad we didn't communicate well enough to actually get Shamu in the picture!

We had such a great time.  Seeing all the families made me excited to think about how much fun we are going to have as Hadley grows up.  I love my family and look forward to all of our adventures together.